NEWS IN ENGLISH – Winning candidates barred by “Ficha Limpa,” return to Chamber of Deputies to take seats

15/07/2011 11:30

Ivan Richard           Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – Four candidates who won election to the Chamber of Deputies last October but were barred by the Clean Criminal Record law (“Ficha Limpa”) took seats in the lower house yesterday. They are: Janete Capiberibe (PSB-AP), Magda Moffato (PTB-GO), João Pizzolatti (PP-SC) and Nilson Leitão (PSDB-MT). All this was made possible after the Supreme Court ruled that the Ficha Limpa law was unconstitutional because it was retroactive.

As a result, Zonta (PP-SC), Professora Marcivania (PT-AP), Delegado Waldir (PSDB-GO) and Ságuas Moraes (PT-MT) lost their seats.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Câmara empossa deputados que tinham sido barrados pela Lei da Ficha Limpa