NEWS IN ENGLISH – Higher revenue brought about second highest ever primary surplus in January

31/03/2011 11:00

Wellton Máximo Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – The month of January 2011 was a good one for the primary account [the primary account is an accounting tool. It measures the performance of a part of the government without including a part of government outlays: financial operations in the so-called Central Government (National Treasury, Social Security system and Central Bank) are calculated less interest payments. In fact, what the primary surplus is supposed to be is money economized to pay interest] . The January primary surplus of R$14.097 billion was the second highest ever for the month. It was an increase of R$228.6 million over the surplus in January 2010, and just slightly less than the record January surplus in 2008, when it was R$15.362 billion.

The cumulative primary account surplus for the last twelve months is now at R$79.2 billion, or 2.15% of GDP. For the sake of comparison, in January 2010, the cumulative 12-month primary surplus was R$49.3 billion, or 1.53% of GDP.

The January 2011 primary surplus was primarily the result of a spike in government revenue, even though spending increased. Net government revenue in January rose 19.1%, while outlays were up 24%, compared to January 2010. Payroll expenditures were up 10.5% and operational costs (“custeio”) rose 35.3%. However, the largest increase was in discretionary spending (“investimentos”), which jumped 85.3% to R$5.299 billion.

Spending on the Accelerated Growth Program (“PAC”) in January 2011 totaled R$2.949 billion, an increase of no less than 176%, compared to January 2010.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

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