OAS reviews Brazilian experiences with digitial inclusion

04/06/2006 - 18h26

Aline Bastos
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) - At the 36th General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS), in the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, instruments of digital inclusion used in Brazil are among the principal experiences under discussion. These experiences include electronic government, the transparency site, and services, such as filing income tax returns, made available over the internet.

The central theme of the meeting, which began yesterday (4) and ends tomorrow (6), is Governability and Development of the Society of Knowledge. The Brazilian minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, is attending the event.

The 34 OAS member countries are represented in Santo Domingo. The agenda covers programs of democratic governability, the need for cooperation among member countries to ensure the defense of human rights, the war on corruption, denial of asylum to terrorists, and cooperation mechanisms to combat international terrorism and drug-trafficking.

At the conclusion of the assembly, a document entitled the Social Letter of the Americas will be presented, confirming the governments' commitment to fight poverty in the region.

Translation: David Silberstein