Brazilian ethanol exports expand

01/06/2006 - 17h01

Yara Aquino
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Brazilian ethanol exports, which amounted to 2.6 billion liters in 2005, have been growing since 2002. The data appear in the final report of the Brazilian Agriculture for Energy Program, presented yesterday (1) by the secretary of Production and Agro-Energy in the Ministry of Agriculture, Linneu Costa Lima, to representatives of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC).

The Japonese intention to invest US$ 528.33 million (R$ 1.2 billion) in the Brazilian agro-energy program, which is geared to produce ethanol and biodiesel. reflects the trend indicated in the report on the growth in global demand for ethanol. In the 2004-2005 period, ethanol consumption rose from 3 billion liters to 6 billion liters.

Regarding biodiesel, derived from such oilseed plants as sunflowers, dendê palms, and piñons, the report notes that Brazil still lacks the necessary infrastructure to execute the process from the stage of crop production to the manufacture of biodiesel fuel.

According to the minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, it is in Brazil's interest that other countries also consume and produce biofuels. "For the product to become a commodity, we need to have standards, guidelines, universal rules, and more countries that produce and consume it."

Translation: David Silberstein