Chinese goal is for trade with Brazil to reach US$ 20 billion

24/03/2006 - 13h49

Mylena Fiori
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The Chinese government hopes that trade between Brazil and China will reach US$ 20 billion in 2007, 65% more than the US$ 12.18 billion registered in 2005. This forecast was made by the Chinese deputy minister of Communications, Qian Xiaoqian. Through February of this year, trade between the two countries stood at US$ 1.8 billion.

"Our trade relations are very important to both countries, and there is still great potential for developing this relationship. Given the size of our countries, bilateral trade is still small," the Chinese minister declared, today (24), in Brasília.

Xiaoqian is in Brazil to become acquainted with the vehicles of communication and seek partnerships with Brazilian media. The Asian giant, according to the deputy minister, has 1.9 thousand newspapers, 9.5 thousand magazines, over 2 thousand television channels, another 2 thousand radio stations, and more than 700 thousand portals. "The Chinese population is increasingly interested in the world and in Brazil, which is one of the world's most important countries," he pointed out. "To my satisfaction, I also perceive a great interest in China on the part of the Brazilian media."

At present, despite a trade balance that favors Brazil, some Brazilian industrial sectors claim they are being harmed by competition from Chinese products. This is the case of manufacturers of shoes, toys, electroelectronic goods, eyeglasses, and machinery to produce plastic items. Except for the textile sector, the Chinese have always demonstrated adamant opposition to any type of agreement.

Notwithstanding the Chinese resistance, Xioaqian assured that the Chinese government is willing to search for solutions. "It is natural for problems to arise in any commercial relationship," he affirmed. "We shall try to resolve this on the basis of mutual interest," he said.

According to Xioaqian, the visit by Brazil's vice-president, José Alencar, to China "is a big stimulus to bilateral relations, especially economic and commercial ones." Alencar will be in China until tomorrow (25). He has been there on official business since March 20.

Translation: David Silberstein