2005 surplus is biggest since 1994

30/01/2006 - 15h11

Agência Brasil

Brasília - Last year the government economized US$ 42.279 billion (R$ 93.505 billion), equivalent to 4.84% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) estimated for the period. This result exceeded the government's primary surplus target for the year (what the government saves to repay debt interest) by US$ 4.838 billion (R$ 10.7 billion). The target was US$ 37.416 billion (R$ 82.75 billion), or 4.25% of the GDP.

According to Altamir Lopes, head of the Central Bank's Economic Department, this is the biggest surplus since 1994, when it corresponded to 5.21% of the GDP. Lope informed that part of the increase reflects the contribution of states and municipalities. "The results of regional governments were very positive," he remarked.

The state and municipal primary surplus, US$ 9.641 billion (R$ 21.323 billion, or 1.10% of the GDP), was the largest since the statistic began to be calculated, in 1991.

Federal government-run enterprises also achieved a record-breaking surplus last year, of US$ 7.433 billion (R$ 16.441 billion).

In 2004 the government's primary surplus was US$ 36.675 billion (R$ 81.111 billion), equivalent to 4.59% of the GDP.

Translation: David Silberstein