Alckmin intends to invite OAS judges to visit São Paulo

13/12/2005 - 10h58

Fábio Calvetti
Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo – The governor of São Paulo, Geraldo Alckmin, says he intends to invite the seven judges on the Organization of American States' Interamerican Human Rights Court to visit the state. Alckmin said the visit would prove that São Paulo does follow human rights norms in its juvenile delinquent retention centers (reform schools), such as the Tatuapé Febem.

On November 30, the OAS court made a series of recommendations for improvements at the Tatuapé Febem following reports of rebellions, torture and deaths at that reform school.

The state secretary of Justice and Citizen Defense, Hédio Silva Junior, said that he does not expect the case to evolve further. "The November 30 decision by the OAS court does not aggravate the situation. On November 17 we published our own recommendations for resolving the problem.," he said, "and I believe the international judges will find them sufficient."

Translation: Allen Bennett