Party demands investigation of Cuba’s contributions to PT campaigns

02/11/2005 - 18h51

Yara Aquino
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – The Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB) wants the Electoral Supreme Court (TSE) to investigate the alleged financial contribution by the government of Cuba to President Lula’s 2002 campaign, as published last week by Brazilian "Veja" magazine. The Liberal Front Party (PFL) may also join the request.

Both the Workers Party (PT – President Lula’s party) and the government vehemently denied accusations.

According to Senator Tasso Jereissati (PSDB), this is the second measure taken by PSDB in this regard. The first one, last Monday (31), was a request to the Parliamentary Investigative Commission (CPI) on Bingo Parlors to hear all those mentioned in the news story.

Brazilian electoral legislation prohibits political parties to use funds from abroad in their campaigns, as well as non declared funds. If Veja’s story is proved to be true, PT may be proscribed.

Translation: Andréa Alves