House Fair attracts 23,000 in Brasilia

03/10/2005 - 23h19

Brasília - The Federal Mortgage and Savings Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal) reports that its latest House Fair (Feirão da Casa Própria), which took place this weekend in Brasilia attracted 23,000 visitors, 15% more than the organizers expected. A total of 214 houses were sold, worth approximately R$21.3 million. Another 2,437 deals, worth around R$250 million, begun during the fair are still being negotiated.

Next weekend the Caixa will hold House Fairs in Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Vitória and Florianópolis, besides the Baixada Santista (SP). House fairs have already been held in Brasília, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Translator: Allen Bennett