Ethics Council files motion to open process against Cavalcanti

14/09/2005 - 5h47

Agência Brasil

Brasília - The president of the Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum, deputy Ricardo Izar (PTB-SP), is expected to file a motion, today, with the Chair of the Chamber of Deputies to open a process to revoke the legislative mandate of the president of the Chamber, Severino Cavalcanti.

The motion against Cavalcanti was filed in the Council, yesterday (13), by members of five parties (PPS, PFL, PDT, PV, and the PSDB), 20 legislators from the left-wing of the PT, and deputy Luciana Genro (PSOL-RS).

The president of the Chamber has been accused by the entrepreneur, Sebastião Buani, of demanding a bribe, during the period when he was first secretary of the Chamber, to renew the concession for the Fiorella restaurant, located on the tenth floor of the Chamber.

Translation: David Silberstein