Buccal health program now reaches 58 million

31/08/2005 - 8h57

Rosamélia de Abreu
Reporter Rádio Nacional

Brasília - By adding another 787 teams consisting of a dentist, an office assistant and a dental hygienist, the government's buccal health program, known as the Smiling Brazil Program, now reaches 58 million people.

According to Gilberto Pucca, who coordinates the program at the Ministry of Health, Smiling Brazil offers treatment for root canals, gums and cavities, along with surgeries and diagnosis of buccal cancer.

Pucca also reports that the program now has 171 specialized centers for more specific treatment, a number that will rise to 400 by the end of the year. The centers are equipped to handle people with special needs.

The program budget through the year of 2006 is US$631 million (R$1.5 billion).

Pucca revealed that an additional 250 cities are now using fluoridated water, bringing the number of people in Brazil who get fluor in their water to 65 million.

Translator: Allen Bennett