Stênio Ribeiro
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - Foreign sales of beef, pork, and poultry are expected to reach around US$ 8 billion this year, as estimated by the Secretary of Agricultural Surveillance of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Gabriel Alves Maciel.
If this estimate is borne out, meat will take over first place from the soybean complex in Brazilian agribusiness exports, as indicated two weeks ago by the Brazilian Confederation of Agriculture (CNA), when it announced the balance of international sales of foodstuffs, meats, and dairy products from January to July.
During this period agribusiness exports amounted to US$ 24.2 billion, 9.1% more than the US$ 22.2 billion sold during the same period last year. However, unlike soybeans, for which world market prices are lower than in 2004, meat prices improved, and Brazil expanded its exports to around 40 countries.
Between January and July of this year, Brazil exported US$ 4.4 billion worth of meat, 34.5% more than during the first seven months of 2004. Besides the increase in export volume, the average price of meat, US$ 1.527 per ton, was 7.3% better than last year's price.
On the other hand, the average price of soybeans is down 18.8% this year, from US$ 287.8 to US$ 233.6 per ton. Although the product continues in first place among Brazilian exports, the sales have lost impetus: The US$ 5.4 billion in revenues obtained so far this year are 17.2% less than the US$ 6.5 billion registered between January and July of 2004.
Translation: David Silberstein