Brazil has an important role to play at G-8 summit, says professor

05/07/2005 - 15h45

Priscilla Mazenotti
Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasilia - According to professor Eiti Sato, of the University of Brasilia Department of International Relations, Brazil has an important role to play at this week's G-8 summit in Scotland. Sato praised president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva's proposal to include Haiti in the list of poor countries that the rich nations need to help. "Haiti is a typical example of a country in need of emergency aid. The international community must get involved," he said.

Sato pointed out that the focus of this summit is poverty in Africa and climate change. There is a consensus that urgent action must be taken to deal with these problems, said the professor. "These are critical issues that must be dealt with now," he concluded.

President Lula will travel to Scotland for the G-8 summit today. The summit will end on Friday.

Translator: Allen Bennett