Textile sector ready to impose safeguards

22/06/2005 - 13h20

Elisângela Cordeiro
Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo - Imports from China have risen an average 57% in general, and up to 70% in some sectors this year, reports the executive secretary of the Ministry of Development, Ivan Ramalho.

Responding to complaints from the Brazilian industrial sector, especially textiles, the government is reportedly about to impose safeguards on imports from China. If approved, in compliance with World Trade Organization norms, the safeguards on textiles will remain in effect until 2008. Other safeguards, in other sectors, will remain in effect until 2013.

However, the government will still discuss the issue with representatives from the industrial sector and investigate the matter based on those talks. It is also possible that Brazil will negotiate the problem directly with China and avoid the need for the safeguards.

Translator: Allen Bennett