Iolando Lourenço
Reporter - Agência Brasil
Brasília - The leader of the PP in the Chamber of Deputies, José Janene (PR), denied the accusations made by the national president of the PTB, Roberto Jefferson (RJ), that PP Deputies had received money from the PT. "We never received money to support the government. On average, between 30 and 38 of the party's 54 Deputies vote with the government, depending on the vote," the leader affirmed. Jefferson testified yesterday (14) before the Chamber's Council of Ethics and Parliamentary Decorum.
When asked about Deputy Jefferson's declarations, Janene said that the president of the PTB was "very evasive" and did not present a shred of evidence to back his accusations of monthly allowance payments. "Roberto Jefferson attacked every institution, and I was appalled at this. He attacked the Federal Court System, the Public Defense Ministry, the Federal Police, the Brazilian Intelligence Agency (ABIN), the government, the political parties, and the media. Can it be that all of them are conspiring against him?"
"Can it be that despair drove Deputy Roberto Jefferson to attack every institution, trying, on the basis of emotion, to shed the role of the villain that he is, since he is the one occupying the defendant's chair."
Jefferson has been accused of involvement in bribe collection schemes on behalf of the PTB in State enterprises such as the Post Office and the Brazilian Reinsurance Institute (IRB). The investigations of corruption in these organizations are being conducted by the Federal Police and the Federal Comptroller-General's Office, as well as by in-house commissions of inquiry.
Translation: David Silberstein