Family farming program guarantees US$ 68 million for São Paulo

01/09/2004 - 20h45

São Paulo - The state of São Paulo will receive US$ 68 million (R$ 200 million) in loans from the National Program to Strengthen Family Farming (Pronaf) as part of the 2004/2005 Harvest Plan. The Plan was launched today in the São Paulo Legislative Assembly by the Ministry of Agrarian Development's National Secretary of Family Farming, Valter Bianchini.

The volume of funds this year is 30% greater than for the last growing year and will benefit 30 thousand family farmers by June, 2005. Approximately 60% of the amount will go to pay for operating expenses, to cover the purchase of inputs for the planting period. The rest will be used to invest in infrastructure improvements on the properties. São Paulo has around 150 thousand family farmers.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Leonardo Stavale
Translator: David Silberstein