Seminar begins on environmental sanitation

17/08/2004 - 19h15

São Paulo - More than 90 million Brazilians do not have sewage collection and treatment. Over 45 million do not have potable water. And 15 million do not have garbage collection.

That is the portrait presented by the national secretary for Environmental Sanitation at the Ministry of Cities, Abelardo Oliveira Filho, speaking at the eighth regional seminar to discuss a draft bill on environmental sanitation. The seminar took place at the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo.

"We want to send a bill to Congress that will guarantee all Brazilians, in the shortest time possible, access to potable water and a life of quality in a healthy enviroment," said Oliveira Filho.

The secretary went on to say that it is the obligation of the government to define guidelines and policies after listening to the voice of all the people - the business sector, the labor sector, social movements, consumers, the academic community, regulatory agencies and others.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Liésio Pereira
Translator: Allen Bennett