Brazilian technicians to study needs of Haiti

13/08/2004 - 16h40

Brasília - An interministerial mission will leave for Haiti on August 22 to examine the situation there and study ways Brazil can help in the country's economic recovery. According to Paulo Cesar Vasconcelos, of the Foreign Ministry, "Technicians from 22 ministries will travel to Haiti. Among others, people from Health, Agriculture, Transportation, Integration, Mines and Energy, and Cities, along withrepresentatives from the Brazilian Farm Research Corporation (Embrapa)." Brazil will pay the costs of the mission.

The idea is to make it clear that Brazilian activities in Haiti go far beyond peacekeeping, although there is no intention of rebuilding the country as that will require international tender offers.

In the health area, one of the priorities will be to vaccinate people at risk of disease and promote a campaign to get AIDS under control.

Agência Brasil
Reporter: Nasi Brum
Translator: Allen Bennett