Human rights violations get a hotline

30/06/2004 - 7h26

Brasília, 6/30/2004 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - It is now possible to report human rights violations on a toll-free number, just dial 100 anytime; it is a 24/7 service. The announcement of the hotline was made during the IX National Conference on Human Rights which is taking place in the Chamber of Deputies this week.

At the moment the service is available only in the Federal District (Brasilia) but it will soon be extended throughout the country. When it is fully operational, the service will be able to handle up to 60,000 calls daily. With the Call Human Rights (Disque-Direitos Humanos) the government intends to centralize complaints about torture, slave labor and sexual exploitation of youths.

According to minister Nilmario Miranda, who heads the Human Rights Secretariat, all complaints received will be dealt with. Miranda says the service will assist victims and protect witnesses. It will also provide authorities with an overview of violence, permitting them to make plans and formulate policies to promote and protect human rights in Brazil.

(Translator: Allen Bennett)