Farmers discuss their demands with Minister

07/04/2004 - 11h43

Brasília, April 7, 2004 (Agência Brasil) - Representatives of the Rural Way ("Via Campesina") Movement met today with the Minister of Agrarian Development, Miguel Rossetto, to discuss a list of demands presented to the government last week. The purpose of the measures is to provide compensation to farmers who suffered losses as a result of the drought in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul.

The farmers want the Pronaf (Family Farming Program) Investment, a line of credit for small family farmers, to be extended. They are also demanding a monthly drought subsidy of US$ 104.00 (R$ 300.00) per family. This benefit would be conferred on around 200 thousand families. In addition, they are requesting an emergency payment of US$ 869.00 (R$ 2,500.00) per family to revitalize milk production.

According to an estimate made by the coordinator of the Rural Way, the drought that struck the region caused a nearly total loss of corn and bean production and a 50-70% loss of the soybean crop.

Translator: David Silberstein