NEWS IN ENGLISH – Flu vaccine campaign begins today

25/04/2011 11:58

Carolina Pimentel   Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – Brazil begins its annual flu vaccine campaign today with the goal of vaccinating almost 24 million people. This year, besides seniors and members of indigenous communities, a special effort will be made to vaccinate children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years, women who are pregnant and healthcare providers. The vaccine offers protection from three viruses that circulate in the Southern Hemisphere, including swine flu (also known as the H1N1 influenza).

Young children will get their vaccine in two doses; half a dose two times, with the first a month before the second.

People who are allergic to eggs should not get the vaccine.

The vaccine reduces the incidence of flu in adults over 60 by around 45%.

The Ministry of Health is distributing 30 million doses of the vaccine, a little less than half of them to the Southeast region (the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo).

Although the vaccine is available beginning today, Saturday, April 30, is National Vaccine Day and there will be 65,000 vaccination posts open all day. The vaccination campaign ends on May 13.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
Link - Campanha de vacinação contra a gripe começa segunda-feira