Bolivia (3): Brazilians say steel mill is ecologically friendly

19/04/2006 - 18h38

Érica Santana
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - In a note, EBX Siderurgia de Bolívia S.A., a Brazilian-controlled holding company which seeks to build a steel mill in Província Germán Busch de Santa Cruz, in Bolívia, says that the enterprise is "completely sustainable, in that it uses only local natural resources, and ecologically friendly." The note goes on to say that it is, contrary to what the vice minister of Government, Rafael Puente, says, a legally constituted firm, duly registered in Bolivia where it pays taxes.

The note explains that EBX is active in mining, metals, energy, forestry, water and sanitation.

EBX complains that the government of Evo Morales has not given it an opportunity to explain its steel mill project and that local authorities have made it difficult for the firm to get an environmental license. EBX goes on to say that the project was discussed at length with the former government of Bolivia.

The EBX steel mill project will cost an estimated US$268 million and create 620 direct jobs and another 5,000 indirect jobs.

Translation: Allen Bennett