Women continue to work double shifts: office and home

12/04/2006 - 10h30

Cristiane Ribeiro
Reporter - agência Brasil

Rio - More than 90% of the Brazilian women who work outside the home continue to work inside the home as well, reports the 2004 social indicator survey (Síntese de Indicadores Sociais 2004). just released by the government statistical bureau (IBGE). The housework takes up an average 4.4 hours per day, says the survey, although there are the usual regional differences with women in the Northeast doing much more housework than those in the Distrito Federal, for example.

The survey did find that some men do work around the house, but only for an average of 2 hours per day.

The survey also found that nowadays 16.8 million households in Brazil are run by women, which works out to almost 30% of the 56.1 million households surveyed. In comparing household income, the IBGE found that homes run by women tend to have slightly less income than those run by men.

Translation: Allen Bennett