MP indicts six deputies who were absolved by Chamber of Deputies

11/04/2006 - 19h34

André Deak and Mylena Fiori
Reporters - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Among the 40 people formally charged by the Federal Prosecution Office (Ministério Público) of participating in the corruption scheme known as the "mensalão", are six deputies that the Chamber of Deputies has already absolved in floor votes. They are: João Magno (PT-MG), João Paulo Cunha (PT-SP), Romeu Queiroz (PTB-MG), Professor Luizinho (PT-SP), Pedro Henry (PP-MT) and Wanderval Santos (PL-SP). In five cases, the exception being Pedro Henry, the Ethics Council recommended expulsion.

Also on the list are four deputies who resigned to escape facing the Ethics Council and a floor vote: Bispo Rodrigues (PL-RJ); Valdemar Costa Neto (PL-SP); Paulo Rocha (PT-PA); and José Borba (PMDB-PR).

Finally, also on the MP list are three deputies who were expelled by the Chamber of Deputies: José Dirceu (PT-SP), Roberto Jefferson (PTB-RJ) and Pedro Corrêa (PP-PE).

Translation: Allen Bennett