Brazil and five other countries ask IADB for help in combating hoof and mouth

10/04/2006 - 14h04

Cecília Jorge
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - The mutual effort by the member countries of the Southern Agricultural Council (CAS) to fight hoof and mouth disease may be reinforced by funds from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). The CAS is composed of Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

The Brazilian minister of Agriculture, Roberto Rodrigues, informed today (10) that the group plans to ask the IADB for US$ 100 million to support activities in this area over the next three years.

One of the chief topics on the agenda of the CAS during its meeting today and tomorrow (11) in Brasília is how to coordinate activities to eliminate hoof and mouth disease once and for all. The meeting is being held concomitantly with the 2nd International Conference on Tracking Agricultural Products.

Following the opening of the conference, Rodrigues pointed out that cooperation among the countries that belong to the council will also be important to prevent new diseases, such as bird flu, from entering the region. The representatives of the six CAS governments also plan to discuss the issue of commercial disputes in the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Translation: David Silberstein