Environmental education discussed at international meeting

06/04/2006 - 21h20

Patrícia Landim
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - There were around 30 workshops yesterday (6) at the 5th Ibero-American Congress on Environmental Education. The event began on Wednesday (5) and runs through tomorrow (8). According to Marcos Sorrentino, director of Environmental Education in the Ministry of Environment, the topics discussed at the Congress range from the exchange of experiences and information among environmental educators to the definition of a common work agenda geared to the Treaty on Environmental Education for a Sustainable Society and Global Responsibility.

The Congress, which is taking place in Joinville, a city in southern Brazil, is also the site of mini-courses, solidary economy fairs, stands set up by firms that employ technologies related to the environmental issue, new book releases, and exhibits of scientific projects, among other activities.

The initiative is sponsored by the Ministries of Environment and Education in partnership with the government of the state of Santa Catarina and the Joinville city hall. 5,500 environmental educators from 25 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Iberian peninsula, and Portuguese-speaking countries in Africa are enrolled in the event.

Translation: David Silberstein