Brazil and Spain join to improve wine quality

02/04/2006 - 10h27

Márcia Wonghon
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Recife - Brazilian and Spanish scientists will join forces to improve the quality of wine produced in the São Francisco Valley, between the Brazilian states of Pernambuco and Bahia, and in Spain's Pamplona region.

The cooperation is the fruit of an agreement between the Federation of Industries of Pernambuco (FIEPE), the São Francisco Valley Development Company (CODEVASF), and the Navarra Chamber of Commerce and Industry, from Spain. The project will by financed by the European Economic Community.

Three scientists from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Company (EMBRAPA) will participate next month in meetings at the Spanish Viticulture and Enology Station to exchange experiences. In June, a group of Spanish specialists will travel to the EMBRAPA station and visit the area where grapes and wine are produced in the São Francisco Valley.

Spain is one of the world's largest wine producers, turning out approximately 40 million liters annually. In the São Francisco Valley there are eight wineries producing over 6 million liters annually, accounting for 15% of domestic wine production. .

Besides fortifying exchanges, the idea of the project is to mount a service to transfer information and technologies to small and medium-sized grape and wine producers in the São Francisco Valley and in Spain. Another objective is to conduct experiments to evaluate the adaptation of European grapes in the semi-arid region of the Brazilian Northeast, using irrigation to produce young, quality wines.

Translation: David Silberstein