Brazil and other South American nations could build patrol boats

23/06/2004 - 22h39

Brasília, 6/24/2004 (Agência Brasil) - Brazil and other South American nations could develop a project to build patrol boats, says minister of Defense, José Viegas.

According to the minister, in the area of security there is a continent-wide convergence of opinion. "The navies of South America are interested in having patrol boats built by and in regional nations.

Viegas pointed out that patrol boats are sufficiently complex to permit a division of labor. "We can have one country make the hull, another the navigation equipment, another the weaponry. We can put local industry to work as we create harmonious relations with our neighbors. This is a case of military equipment to be used against others in defense of our common objectives," said the minister.

Viegas said the Brazilian navy was interested in the project. But he emphasized that each country that participated would be able to define its own priorities in the security area. "We want unity, but we will respect others," he said, adding that joint military operations could seal ties of friendship and create mutual understanding.

At the beginning of July, Viegas will visit Brazilian troops in Haiti as part of the peace mission there.He will travel with the Defense ministers of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. The minister said the Haiti mission was coming along well, but that it did have risks. "The 1,200 Brazilian soldiers in Haiti are on a peace mission, not a war mission. We intend to contribute to security there and the reconstruction of democratic institutions," he concluded.

(Translator: Allen Bennett)