CNBB launches solidarity campaign on behalf of victims of war in Iraq

25/04/2003 - 22h50

Brasília, April 28, 2003 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - On Sunday (27), the National Confederation of Brazilian Bishops (CNBB) launched the national "SOS Iraq" campaign, to collect funds for war victims. It is estimated that the war in Iraq left an aftermath of over two thousand dead and 700 thousand refugees.

The secretary-general of the CNBB, Don Raymundo Damasceno Assis, recalled that, prior to the onset of the conflict, the Conference condemned the attack and published various statements of repudiation. "The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, was one of the first international leaders to condemn the American decision to begin a war, and the Conference gave him total support," Don Raymundo pointed out.

The campaign will last 90 days and will only receive money, in an account opened at the Bank of Brazil. "At the moment, the situation in Iraq is still very confused for donations of food, medicine, and clothing," Don Raymundo explained. The resources will be turned over to Caritas International, a Catholic Church organization that cares for victims of natural catastrophes, wars, and persecutions. (DAS)