President Lula addresses stalemate in WTO

29/05/2006 - 6h28

Érica Santana
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - During his weekly radio broadcast today (29), president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that it is time to take a political decision with respect to the agricultural issues pending in the World Trade Organization (WTO). According to Lula, the period for technical negotiations among the countries is almost over, and the solution is now up to the presidents and prime ministers.

The president observed that a meeting of the G-8 (the group composed of the world's seven richest countries, together with Russia) is scheduled for July, in St. Petersburg. Some other countries, including Brazil, have been invited to attend as guests. According to the Ministry of Foreign Relations, the group's enlarged summit will take place between July 15 and 17 and is expected to discuss, among other topics, international energy security, the fight against infectious diseases, and educational development.

Lula stated that he is optimistic over the prospects for an agreement in the agricultural sphere, which, in his view, would give "a new aspect to the geography of world trade."

Translation: David Silberstein