Haiti donor conference begins tomorrow in Brasilia

19/05/2006 - 15h10

Priscilla Mazenotti
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Now that the new president of Haiti, Rene Préval, has taken office, negotiations are scheduled to begin once again on international assistance for the reconstruction of the country. Talks begin tomorrow, May 23, here in Brasilia, when representatives of Brazil, Chile, the United States, France and Canada, countries which are overseeing Haiti reconstruction programs, along with representatives of other countries and international organizations, will meet to discuss extending activities (action plans and investment projects) in Haiti for another 18 months (the present mandate ends in September).

At least four agreements are to be signed in Brasilia for Haitian assistance: two of them, one by Brazil and Argentina, the other by Brazil and the Organization of American States, will provide technical cooperation; another by Brazil and the World Bank is for a school lunch program; and a Brazil-Canada agreement will assist with vaccination programs in Haiti.

Translation: Allen Bennett