Brazil seeks to expand trade with Central America

19/04/2006 - 5h54

Brasília - In an ongoing effort to expand trade with Central American countries - Panamá, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras [Nicaragua] - and identify investment opportunities, the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade is sending a commercial mission to the region at the end of May (they will be in Central America from 28 May to 3 June). Some 50 business leaders will be part of an official delegation participating in negotiating rounds organized by the Export Promotion Agency (Agência de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos) (Apex-Brasil).

The talks will focus on the following areas: renewable energy sources - ethanol, biodiesel, solar and small hydroelectric power plants - civil construction, transportation, electricity and transmission lines, textiles and clothing, banking services, supermarkets, information technology, franchising and tourism.

Translation: Allen Bennett