Campaign against human trafficking exists since 2004

16/04/2006 - 13h58

Irene Lôbo
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - Since 2004 the Ministry of Justice and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have been conducting a Campaign to Combat International Human Trafficking. The campaign's slogans are "First they take away your passport, then your freedom" and "If someone offers you lodging, food, and clean clothes abroad, don't believe it." Both refer to the countless instances of women who leave Brazil under the pretext of enjoying a better life abroad and end up becoming victims of sexual exploitation.

The campaign consists in the distribution of inserts in passports and packages of condoms provided by the Ministry of Health and the placement of posters in airports, Federal Police buildings, and busy spots in general. All the material gives the telephone number to report cases of human trafficking. The campaign also broadcasts its messages on the radio.

According to the UNODC, human trafficking is one of the most profitable activities exercised by organized crime and is responsible for around US$ 9 billion in business annually. It is estimated that each victim represents approximately US$ 30 in profits for the recruiters.

Translation: David Silberstein