CEF concludes employees did not break the law after violation of bank secrecy

11/04/2006 - 19h55

Aloisio Milani
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – The Federal Savings Bank (Caixa Economica Federal - CEF) issued an official note communicating that the internal commission, which investigated the violation of the banking secrecy of the caretaker Francenildo dos Santos Costa, concluded that employees directly involved in the situation did not break the law, or the institution’s internal rules.

According to the note, internal investigations followed the rules rigorously, assured employees’ right to full defense, and gave autonomy to the commission. CEF’s ex President, Jorge Mattoso, was not evaluated by the commission, because, the note says, he was not an employee of the institution and his participation is being investigated by the Federal Police.

CEF informed that it will wait for the conclusions of the Federal Police investigations, and for the report analysis of the Federal Comptroller-General's Office (CGU).

After the illegal leak to the news of the caretaker’s bank records, an investigation was initiated to find out who was responsible for the crime of violation of bank secrecy. The Federal Police has already indicted Jorge Mattoso and the ex Minister of Finance, Antonio Palocci, for being involved in the case.

Translation: Andréa Alves