President signs decree regulating law on family agro-industry

31/03/2006 - 7h10

Agência Brasil

Brasília - President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva signed a decree today (31) regulating Law 9712/88A, which deals with family agro-industrial activity. The decree makes it possible for products produced in one municipality to be sold anywhere in the country, so long as the municipality has adhered to the Unified Inspection System of vegetable and animal products. The measure is expected to give an impulse to the agro-industrial economy, improving regional and local development based on the culture of regional production.

At the same ceremony, the president signed the Rural Social Security Law, another measure important to farmers. The ceremony was attended by the ministers of Agrarian Development, Miguel Rossetto, and Agriculture, Livestock, and Supply, Roberto Rodrigues, as well as federal lawmakers and leaders of family farmer associations.

Translation: David Silberstein