Greenpeace ranks ''COP-8 worst delegations''

31/03/2006 - 15h59

Thaís Brianezi
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Pinhais (Paraná) – With the end of the 8th Conference of the Parties to the Biological Diversity Convention (8ª Conferência das Partes da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica) (COP-8) on Friday, March 31, the NGO Greenpeace released its rankings for the conference. According to Greenpeace, the worst delegations were from Canada, New Zealand and Australia and they each received the organization's traditional "Flat Ball Award."

"Those delegations are getting the award because they are no more than puppets of the United States which is not even a party to the convention but pulls strings behind the scenes," explained Christoph Thies of Greenpeace.

Brazil also came in for criticism from environmental groups for its "weak leadership as host to the conference."

Translation: Allen Bennett