Government revenue reaches new record in January

20/02/2006 - 13h38

Stênio Ribeiro
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília – Total government revenue in January was a record for the month: R$43.7 billion.

The Social Security System (Previdencia) had a 9.37% increase in its revenues, while income tax revenue for the government rose 7.25%, compared to January 2005.

However, January government revenue was down 13.4%, compared to December.

Here is a breakdown on government revenue for January 2006. Income tax revenue reached R$ 10.894 billion (up 6.66% over January 2005); the Social Security Contribution (Contribuição para a Seguridade Social) (Cofins) reached R$ 7.952 bilhões (+ 5,10%); and the Social Contribution on Net Profits (Contribuição Social sobre Lucro Líquido) (CSLL) reached R$ 3.035 billion (+ 12,69%). The government also received R$ 2.403 billion from its debit tax on financial transactions (Contribuição sobre Movimentação Financeira) (CPMF) and R$ 2.250 billion from its Industrial Property Tax (Imposto sobre Propriedade Industrial) (IPI) and R$ 2.086 billion from PIS/Pasep.

Translation: Allen Bennett