Washington meeting to discuss future aid for Haiti

19/02/2006 - 10h30

Alessandra Bastos and Aloisio Milani
Reporters - Agência Brasil

Brasília - On Wednesday, Brazil and Argentina will be in Washington with representatives of the United States, Haiti, France and the World Bank to discuss future international assistance for Haiti.

Brazilian Foreign Minister, Celso Amorim says he hopes the Washington meeting will speed up the flow of aid. The new government of Haiti, led by Rene Preval, will have the final word on assistance and cooperation programs.

Brazilian diplomats point out that various countries have had negative experiences with aid for Haiti in the past. Money has disappeared and there has been corruption. This time there are plans to implant better control mechanisms. The World Bank, the Interamerican Development Bank and the UN Development Program all report that they have projects for Haiti.

Brazil has a project for professional training through its Goias Industrial Apprentice program (Senai) in the city of Jacmel, south of the Haitian capítal.

Translation: Allen Bennett