Government will distribute 25 million condoms for Carnival

19/02/2006 - 12h45

Keite Camacho
Reporter - Agência Brasil

Brasília - During Carnival, the Ministry of Health will distribute 25 million male condoms, more than double last year's total. The condoms have already been sent to the states, where they can be obtained for free at health posts and non-governmental organizations and during the revels.

Condom distribution is part of the STD (sexually transmitted diseases)/AIDS prevention campaign, which got underway yesterday (19) and also includes the distribution of pamphlets and other informational material. The campaign will continue through Shrove Tuesday (28).

According to Mariângela Simão, deputy director of the Ministry's National STD/AIDS Program, the larger the quantity of condoms distributed, the greater the population's chances of avoiding diseases. "We understand that it is more common for people to have casual sex during Carnival. The more condoms we can distribute, the more access people will have to a reliable means for preventing AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, as well as unwanted pregnancies," she emphasized.

Over the last ten years, she pointed out, Brazil has conducted a widespread media campaign to promote preventive measures.

She cited data from a study published last year, indicating behavioral changes that have occurred among members of the population. "The 'Sexual Behavior, Attitudes, and Practices' study showed clearly a gradual change in the use of condoms by the population. In 2004, 67% of the Brazilian population used condoms in their most recent act of casual sex. In the decade of the '80's and the beginning of the '90's, the levels were very low: 6%, 10%, 12%. One can see that people's behavior is changing: 96% of the population nowadays recognizes that condoms are the best way to prevent AIDS."

The "Sexual Behavior, Attitudes, and Practices of the Brazilian Population" study was conducted in 2004 by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the National DST/AIDS Program.

Translation: David Silberstein