Lula’s performance gets better evaluation

14/02/2006 - 11h35

Keite Camacho
Reporter - Agencia Brasil

Brasilia – The personal performance of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is showing signs of recovery, reaching ratings similar to those of July 2004. According to data released this Tuesday (14) by the Director of the Sensus Institute, Ricardo Guedes, 53.3% of the people interviewed this month approved the President’s performance, up from 46.7% in November. In Guedes opinion, the good results reflect government’s social programs and economic recovery.

Even though in June 2004 approval rating was 54.1%, therefore closer to current numbers, Guedes considers that the evaluation is similar to that of May 2005, right before the political crisis, when Lula obtained 57.4% of approval.

As for disapproval of the President, the percentage reached 38% in February 2006; in June 2004 it was 37,6%; in May 2005, 32,7%; and in November 2005, 44.2%.

The 80th CNT/SENSUS Survey was conducted between February 6 and 9, in 24 states of the five Brazilian regions. Two thousand people were interviewed. Margin of error is 3 percentage points.

Translation: Andréa Alves