Congressmen call for clemency for Brazilian in Indonesia

14/02/2006 - 12h42

Ivan Richard
Agência Brasil

Brasília – Today a group of senators and deputies will visit the embassy of Indonesia in Brasilia in an effort to halt the execution of a Brazilian, Marco Acher, who has been condemned to death by a firing squad by an Indonesian court because of drug trafficking. Acher was caught attempting to enter Indonesia in August 2003 with 13.4 kilos of cocaine hidden in a delta wing.

The congressional delegation will discuss the issue with Indonesian diplomats and intends to send a message to Indonesian president, Subilo Bambang Yudhoyono, asking him for clemency in the Acher case.

The Foreign Ministry and the president have already sent messages asking for clemency. "We do not want to interfere in internal affairs in Indonesia, we do not want impunity, but our position is the same as that of president Lula. It is humanistic, Christian and respects life, asking that the president of Indonesia take the high moral ground," explained deputy Nelson Mourão (PT-AC), who is the vice president of the Foreign Relations Commission in the lower house and a leader of the group that will visit the embassy.

"Although it is not common for the Indonesian government to pardon crimes involving drugs, there is hope and we are going to do our part by sending our message," concluded Mourão.

Meanwhile, Hengki Andhika Pinandito, an Indonesian diplomat, declared that it is possible that under the terms of a special bilateral treaty Acher could be extradicted back to Brazil. But that treaty still has to be worked out between Indonesia and Brazil.

Translation: Allen Bennett