Bird flu prevention gets US$44 million

14/01/2006 - 10h40

Brasília - The Ministry of Agriculture reports that it has earmarked US$44 million to implement an operational plan for prevention of Newcastle Disease and bird flu (Plano Operacional de Prevenção da Doença de Newcastle e Influenza Aviária). The money will be spent on upgrading laboratories, setting up sanitation barriers on state borders, human resources and educational campaigns for the public. Veterinarians will be recruited and trained to emit Animal Transit Documents. Also, a tracking system will created along with annual registration and serological testing of both poultry and migratory birds.

Brazil has become the world's biggest exporter of poultry. Last year it exported 2.8 million tons of chicken to over 150 countries for revenue of over US$3.5 billion.

Translation: Allen Bennett