Amorim visits new Brazilian commander in Haiti

20/09/2005 - 5h57

Brasília - Yesterday minister of Foreign Relations, Celso Amorim, made his first visit to the new commander of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti, Brazilian general, Urano Bacellar, who recently substituted another Brazilian general, Augusto Heleno Pereira. The mission consists of a total of 7,500 soldiers, of which 1,200 are Brazilian.

While he is in Porto Principe, Amorim will also visit the Haitian prime minister, Gerard Latortue, the representative of the UN secretary general, ambassador Juan Gabriel Valdes, and members of the Provisionary Electoral Council. A first round of voting for a new Haitian government is scheduled for November 15, with a runoff election on December 18.

Translator: Allen Bennett