Brasília, November 21, 2002 (Agência Brasil - ABr) - The Brazilian drug use prevention policy, recommended by the United Nations International Drug Control Program, should be taken as a reference by other countries. This decision was highlighted today by the chief minister of the Presidential Cabinet for Institutional Security, general Alberto Cardoso, who recalled that Brazil seeks to prevent and combat drug use through partnerships and decentralized decision-making.
The minister complimented the work of the Federal Police in the areas of repression and financial information-gathering, in the case of money-laundering, during remarks made at the opening of the IV Specialized Meeting of Applied Authorities in Questions of Drugs, Prevention of Their Improper Use, and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts in the Mercosur (RED), underway today and tomorrow in the auditorium of the Itamaraty Palace, with minister of Justice, Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro, presiding.
Representatives of the Mercosur countries, Chile, and Bolivia are discussing common procedures to reduce drug consumption and supply. (DAS)