NEWS IN ENGLISH – Senate approves Rosa Weber for seat on Supreme Court

14/12/2011 10:28

Mariana Jungmann       Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – A judge on the Superior Labor Court (“Tribunal Superior do Trabalho”), where she has served since 2006, Rosa Weber, will be the newest member of the Brazilian Supreme Court. Weber takes the seat vacated by the retirement of the first woman to sit on the court, Ellen Gracie Northfleet. She was approved by a floor vote of 57 to 14, following a “sabatina” in the Constitution and Justice Commission that lasted some six hours (the vote in the commission was 19 to 3 in favor of approving her).

Some senators said that Weber (whose complete name is: Rosa Maria Weber Candiota da Rosa) did not perform very well, leaving various technical questions about jurisprudence without answers. One of the requirements for a place on the Brazilian Supreme Court is a profound knowledge of the law (“notorio saber juridico”).

On the other hand, senator Romero Juca (PMDB-RR) who guided the nomination through the Senate for the government (“redator”) declared that Weber has vast experience as a labor judge and a clean reputation (“reputação ilibada”).

She will be the second labor judge on the court, joining associate justice, Marco Aurélio Mello, who has been on the Supreme Court since 1990. Mello was satisfied to have someone else from the same area on the court but complained that the nomination had taken three months and that it was possible that Weber would only effectively join the court next year.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Senado aprova indicação de Rosa Weber para vaga no STF

Link - CCJ do Senado aprova indicação de Rosa Maria Weber Candiota da Rosa para o Supremo

Link - Escolha de Rosa Weber como integrante do STF agrada a ministro oriundo da Justiça do Trabalho