NEWS IN ENGLISH – Protests against corruption mark Independence Day celebrations in Brasilia

08/09/2011 11:21

Daniella Jinkings and Luana Lourenço           Reporters Agência Brasil

Brasília – Independence Day commemorations yesterday in Brasília were overshadowed by a protest march against corruption. According to the Military Police, by the end of the march, around noon, there were between 25,000 and 30,000 people.

The protesters were dressed in black, many wearing bright red clown noses, carrying banners and posters demanding an end to secret votes in Congress and punishment for corruption. They marched down the Mall (“Esplanada”) on the opposite side from the official Independence Day parade. Along the way they symbolically “washed” the ministry of Agriculture and the Congress where there have been recent scandals. There were also loud protests of other scandals in the ministries of Transportation and Tourism, as well as the case of deputy Jaqueline Roriz (PMN-DF) who was absolved by the Chamber of Deputies after being filmed receiving dirty money.

The march was the result of social networking on the internet where messages declared that as there was nothing to celebrate on Independence Day the idea was to paint one’s face, dress in black and demonstrate indignation. The national Bar Association (“OAB”), the Catholic Bishop’s Conference (“CNBB”) and the Association of Journalists (“Associação Brasileira da Imprensa” – ABI”), came out in favor of the march, calling for more transparency in government spending, fewer political appointments and immediate approval of a Clean Criminal Record law (this is a law that would prohibit people with criminal records from running for elective office) Such a law does exist (“Ficha Limpa”), but in Brazil sentences can be appealed endlessly so it is practically impossible to get a final decision that actually puts a politician in jail).

Besides Brasilia, there were anti-corruption demonstrations in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English

Link - Marcha contra a Corrupção deve reunir mais de 25 mil pessoas em Brasília

Link - Marcha contra a Corrupção lava o Ministério da Agricultura e toma toda a Esplanada