NEWS IN ENGLISH – Dilma says Brazil is not afraid of yet another international financial crisis

10/08/2011 11:35

Yara Aquino           Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – President Dilma Rousseff said that as a second international financial crisis unfolds, for a second time Brazil will face it and emerge victorious. The country is strong, its banks are solid, the domestic market is robust and international reserves are higher than they were in 2008, said the president.

“We have taken big steps in the direction of stability. This is the second time we have had to face one of these crises, and for the second time Brazil is not afraid,” she declared.

Dilma added that the situation called for serious and firm action by the government, the business community and society. “This is not the moment to play around, spending what we don’t have. We just need to go on about our business, consuming what we regularly consume because we are not in a weak position. We are recognized here and abroad as a strong economy,” she said. As for new measures, Dilma said she did not see any need at this moment, but that the government was observing the situation very closely. If it became necessary to act the government would do so immediately, she said. “Caution and watchful waiting are called for at this time. There is no need to precipitate. As a nation, what we need is calm.”

Allen Bennett - translator/editor The News in English

Link - Brasil não "treme" diante de mais uma crise financeira internacional, garante Dilma