NEWS IN ENGLISH – Eighty thousand workers at large construction sites have gone on strike this year

20/04/2011 10:03

Daniel Mello Reporter Agência Brasil

São Paulo – There is little doubt that there really have been serious labor problems at construction sites in remote locations where huge projects that are part of the government’s Accelerated Growth Program (“PAC”) are underway. According to the union-linked Department of Socio-Economic Statistical Studies (“Dieese”), at least 82,000 construction workers have gone on strike this year. Most of them working at large construction sites that are part of priority government programs.

According to José Silvestre of Dieese, the impressive numbers are related to the size and quantity of construction underway. “You have a large number of jobs taking place under very tight timetables,” he explained.

As the situation gets more urgent, the pressure on the workers is ratcheted up. And the workers will eventually revolt against the working and living conditions that are historically precarious. “The worker grievances in these cases are pretty straightforward. They are focused on working conditions, on salaries, benefits and living conditions,” according to Silvestre.

Globalized communications also play a role nowadays in providing workers with a constant flow of information. Sometimes there is a copycat syndrome at work – workers do what other workers are doing. And then there is the internet and real time data and information. All of which makes it very easy to mobilize workers and get a riot going, says the Dieese director.

Dieese reports point out that the worker revolts in Rondônia have not been led by large, national labor unions. They have been more spontaneous rebellions against specific conditions that make negotiations more difficult.

“The fact is that these construction projects are government projects and as such must provide workers with minimum conditions. Public investments have to have the public good in mind,” declared Silvestre.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English – content modified

Link - Mais de 80 mil trabalhadores de grandes obras já entraram em greve este ano