NEWS IN ENGLISH – Senator says there is a disconnect between Supreme Court and society

25/03/2011 14:21

Mariana Jungmann Reporter Agência Brasil

Brasília – Senator Marinor Brito (P-Sol-PA), has a seat in the Senate because her opponents in the October general elections, Jader Barbalho (PMDB) and Paulo Rocha (PT), were both ruled ineligible by electoral courts under the terms of the Ficha Limpa law. Both Barbalho and Rocha got more votes than she did. Now, with the Supreme Court ruling that Ficha Limpa was not in effect during the October elections, she stands to lose her seat.

Senator Marinor criticized justice Luiz Fux for his vote. As the newest justice on the court, his vote was the decisive vote, breaking  a 5 to 5 tie on the issue. Senator Marinor pointed out that when Fux was recently questioned at Senate hearing (“passou por sabatina”) regarding his nomination for the Supreme Court, he had a different opinion.

“Justice Fux contradicted himself. In Senate hearings, he said Justice cannot turn its back on the law’s intentions. But, now he has turned his back on the intentions of  Ficha Limpa” she said, pointing out that proof of the popular support for the law was evident in the fact that 70% of candidates accused of Ficha Limpa violations lost their elections in October. Senator Marinor said that she and her lawyers were studying whether or not to put up a legal battle to save her seat in the Senate.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English - content modified
Link - Ficha Limpa: senadora vê descompasso entre STF e sociedade