NEWS IN ENGLISH – Movement Against Election Corruption rollout

07/07/2010 12:53

NEWS IN ENGLISH – Movement Against Election Corruption
Newsroom Agência Brasil
Brasilia – The Movement Against Election Corruption has published a folder entitled “Your Vote is Priceless - Healthcare is a right,” as part of a new campaign to make voters aware of their right to public healthcare and the danger of politicians who will promise them health services for their vote. The campaign is supported by the National Health Council and the National Solidarity Fund. The campaign will begin at an event at the National Health Council that will be attended by Carlos Alves Moura, the executive director of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace, along with various union leaders. The movement has 300 committees around the country. This is the first campaign of its kind since the Ficha Limpa law went into effect on June 4.

Allen Bennett – translator/editor The News in English
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